"Seed Saving: Collect, Preserve, Propagate"

Sunday, February 26, 2017, 12:30 pm until 3:30 pm
Laughing Dog Farm
Daniel practices an opportunistic, "guerrilla gardening" approach to seeds and propagation, allowing Nature and Time to do the "heavy lifting", when possible. Initially we'll talk about what seeds are most worth saving. Then we'll discuss strategies for growing, gathering and storage, as well as some "alternative" tactics for propagating and transplanting seedlings around the calendar, even in chilly New England. Participants in this hands-on workshop will get to take away several kinds of home-gathered "LDF" seed as well as learn several out-of-the-box gathering and propagation schemes. Workshop includes a greenhouse tour, Q and A, hot soup and goat cheese around the kitchen woodstove. Suggested donation $25-$35. No one turned away. RSVP requested.